Investments by Ocean Financial Services
1Investment products and brokerage services are offered through Ocean Financial Services, LLC. FINRA/SIPC Member. Investment advisory services are offered through Ocean Financial Advisors, LLC, an investment advisor registered in the state of Florida. Ocean Financial Services, LLC and Ocean Financial Advisors, LLC are affiliated entities and subsidiaries of Ocean Bank, a Florida Chartered Bank. Both Ocean Financial Services, LLC and Ocean Financial Advisors, LLC are under the common control of OFS Holding. Insurance products are offered through Ocean Insurance Services, LLC. Ocean Insurance Services, LLC is owned by Ocean Bank. Ocean Bank is not a registered securities broker. Investments and insurance products have investment risk and are: NOT A DEPOSIT, NOT FDIC-INSURED, NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY, NOT GUARANTEED BY THE BANK, POSSIBLE LOSS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTED, MAY LOSE VALUE.